Supriya Yadav, Microbiologist at Vital Neutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
“Mother earth’s Medicine chest is full of healing herbs of incomparable worth”, Robin Rose Bennet has correctly said that every cure lies within the nature that stands true in this pandemic. Here are some amazing benefits of Giloy that makes it one of the most preferred natural supplements and why every one of us is opting for natural remedy to boost immunity. We all have been worried sick about our health as we try to stay safe from the corona virus with home-made remedies and by now we all know that Giloy can boost immunity but there are some other factors like its antiviral property, immunomodulatory property, antioxidant property, etc. which makes it the most selected natural supplement for shielding our immunity in this pandemic.
Key Highlights:
- A medicinal compound containing T. cordifolia (7.82% in 5 ml of syrup) proved to be a best remedy for children suffering from upper respiratory tract infections.
- In a study published in the "Indian Journal of Pharmacology," 60% of HIV patients who received Giloy treatment reported a decrease in the disease related symptoms.
- Ideally you can consume Giloy 5-10 grams/day (as a powder) or 1 gram/day (as an extract) or 10-20 ml/day (as juice)
Every one of us is trying now desi ‘nuskas’ that our grandmothers have always been suggesting to us. Giloy has many medicinal properties and is considered as one of the best home remedies for headache, psoriasis, cold, flu, liver, etc. which is why it is used in Indian medicine since ages. It is also used during jaundice, intestinal pain, inflammation, gout, rheumatism, leprosy, urinary infections, and diarrhoea as a natural remedy. Giloy also exhibits anti-emetic, antiarthritic, anti-diabetic properties which are helpful against these deadly diseases. Giloy juice also helps for weight loss. This is the reason why Giloy has been hyped so much in this Covid-19 situation.
Here are some amazing benefits of Giloy that makes it one of the most preferred natural supplements:
Ayurveda has offered us Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy) as a superfood for better immunity. When you consume giloy, it enhances your cellular system to make it capable for fighting against virus. As per studies, main chemical constituents of Tinospora can be used as an anti-viral drug. The studies performed have revealed that phytochemicals in Tinospora cordifolia can control viral replication due to its easy inhibition. The selection of Tinospora cordifolia was motivated by the fact that the main constituents of it are known to be responsible for various antiviral activities and the treatment of jaundice, rheumatism, etc.
The anti-inflammatory properties of Giloy help in countering respiratory problems like cough, cold, and breathing problems. A medicinal compound containing T. cordifolia (7.82% in 5 ml of syrup) is a best remedy for children suffering from upper respiratory tract infections. Thus, Giloy is considered as the best remedy for cold. Due to changing weather you can easily catch cold and flu, to overcome the regular cold and flu you can have Giloy which is the best natural remedy for cold.
As per studies, it has been evidenced that chewing on Giloy root or drinking Giloy juice helps asthma patients. It is exceedingly difficult to treat a condition like Asthma as it causes chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, etc. Giloy helps to release the chest tightness and helps in stabilizing the breathing. Well you can get rid of asthma pumps by consuming the right dosage of Giloy regularly which will relieve you from shortness of breath.
The alcoholic extract of T. cordifolia has shown significant immunomodulatory effects. At standard dose, Giloy extract increased Cellular activity of bone marrow in rats. It has been observed by some researchers that some active compounds and syringing have shown immunomodulatory activity. T. cordifolia exhibits significant immunomodulatory activity by enhancing immunity. In a study published in the "Indian Journal of Pharmacology," 60% of HIV patients who received giloy treatment reported a decrease in disease related symptoms.
To reduce oxidative stress with consequent health benefits, it has been observed that high antioxidant activities of Giloy extracts indicate the potential of the stem as a source of natural antioxidants or nutraceuticals. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants which fight free radicals, keep your cells healthy and get rid of diseases. Giloy helps to combat liver diseases and urinary tract infections by removing toxins from your body. It also purifies your blood and fights bacteria that causes diseases.
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is a natural bitter herb that has many therapeutic properties right from stomachic to stimulating bile secretion. It also enriches blood and cures jaundice, urinary disease, and upper respiratory tract infection. Giloy can boost immunity and hence it may be useful for various fevers, specifically for viral fevers. Giloy works best if complemented with other herbs like Aswagandha, Kalmegh, and Bhui Amla.
The diabetic patient must be careful while having Giloy as it can lower your blood sugar levels if you consume too much of it. Thus, it is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming Giloy or any other natural supplement as they can guide you better with the dosage as per your body’s requirement. Ideally you can consume Giloy 5-10 grams/day (as a powder) or 1 gram/day (as an extract) or 10-20 ml/day (as juice).
So, to boost your immunity naturally and stay protected from corona virus, giloy can be very helpful during this pandemic, but ask yourself how can you vitalize it to get more benefits?